HONKYTONK SILVER Country player's Overdrive.
Rich like Don Rich, Wailing like Waylon Jennings. This compact, touch sensitive, low gain overdrive has Twang!!
What else to say?
Let me tell you what I personally love about it. For many years I have been looking for this kind of Overdrive. An overdrive you can stomp on and just get break up without altering your clean sound. In fact Honkytonk Silver never makes your clean signal sound thinner.
It’s a darn good feeling stomping on an overdrive which keeps your fat low-end going and still lets you cut through the mix.
Without any coloring it offers a soft dynamic diode clipping all the way to a velvety smooth crunch.
It is a low gain Overdrive made just perfectly right for Chicken pickers and those in favor of hybrid picking licks and tricks.
Do you like to dig in? And you have been looking for a subtle touch sensitive Overdrive that will react to your picking style?
Then look no further! Honkytonk is exactly that. The Telecaster's best friend and helper. A reliable tool for playing long Honkytonk tavern sessions where push comes to shove and you need that guitar singing throughout the entire set with that good old fashioned tube amp cracked. Only it doesn't have to be cranked, with Honkytonk Silver by your side, playing that western swing all night long never sounded better. In short, a low gain press and forget, always on Overdrive for whipping those fast country runs full with double stops and major triads. If you want a 50's style Overdriver that is tube like and can offer that rare edge of breakup sound then buy this pedal.
The design of the housing is also well thought out.
My idea was to make a pedal I could place as close to my feet as possible while I'm on stage.
The Honkytonk fits my own pedalboard configuration perfectly. First pedal on the bottom left side of a Pedaltrain Classic Jr.
Any other configurations are very welcome! Just let us know how you wanna have it. That's what MadebyMystery is for.
3 Knobs:
Red: Volume
Black: Contour
Green: Drive
9V Center Negative.